
Lizé had been speaking for well over thirty years. Even before her career as an Occupational Therapist (OT), she spoke to various audiences on personal growth and grief. Lizé within her professional career, as an OT, conducted many in-services. In 2008, after surgery, she was unable to speak, the Doctors, while removing multiple tumors, cut out her left vocal cord. After surgery in Cleveland, on the way home, she had a stroke. Lizé went to hospital in Louisville, her limbs were ok, but speech was an issue, she could barely whisper. Her life was on hold due her loss and resultant speech therapy. Loss came to her because, she could not keep singing or speaking as before. Her husband John was always there to comfort her, as well as family and friends, yet her voice had not returned.

In February 2009, John died rather suddenly leaving much more sorrow to bear. Much later in 2009, the right vocal cord created a different sound; She could talk! The last few years, have given her many challenges, many deaths have occurred since then. It takes a long time for grief, especially when you distance yourself from others. It's next to impossible to handle loss and grief alone. Yet, Lizé says it has taught her so much; now she is ready to move forward with others. She is ready to start speaking once again.
You can see some topics Lizé has shared below.

Be You!: Unfold Your Uniqueness
Giving: To Be Useful and Needed
Hope: Healing With Good Grief
You Can Succeed: The Triple Win
Wellness: Spirit, Mind, Body